Install JonDo and JonDoFox for Debian, Ubuntu and Mint
Users of Debian, Ubuntu and compatible distributions may use the software repository of JonDos GmbH to install JonDo, JonDoFox or JonDoDaemon and keep it up-to-date or you may install the packages by hand.
- The package jondo contains the the ip changer proxy tool JonDo. After installation you will find JonDo in the applications menu of your desktop in the group network or you can start it at the command line with "jondo".
- The package jondofox-en contains the JonDoFox browser profil for Mozilla Firefox or Iceweasel.
- The package jondodaemon contains a GUI-less proxy daemon. JonDoDaemon may be operated by command line interface or remote by telnet interface.
Hint: Firefox version 3.5.x ins NOT compatible with JonDoFox any more. Please install the latest version Firefox. Debian squeeze offers only the version 3.5.x in main repository. How to upgrade to the latest version of Iceweasel is descripted below 
Install the packages by hand
Download the Debian packages jondo_all.deb (OpenPGP sig) and jondofox-en_all.deb (OpenPGP sig), open it in your prefered package manager (GDebi, Ubuntu Software Center, Kpackagekit...) and click on the "Install" button. All required software packages are installed automatically.
For command line installation at first install the requirements (if not installed) an afterwards the Debian package.
> sudo aptitude install default-jre java-wrappers firefox
> sudo dpkg -i jondo_all.deb
> sudo dpkg -i jondofox-en_all.deb
Using the repository at command line
Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list.
deb http://debian.anonymous-proxy-servers.net DISTRI main
Replace DISTRI by the name of your distribution. At the moment squeeze, wheezy, sid, lucid, maverick, natty, oneiric, precise and quantal are supported. User of Linux Mint (Debian edition) may use sid to replace DISTRI.
The repository is signed with the OpenPGP key 0xF1305880. Download the key, add it to your apt keyring and verify the fingerprint.
> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F1305880
> sudo apt-key finger
pub 1024D/F1305880 2007-08-29
fingerprint = 1866 F973 8C97 A3D6 56A4 E142 F510 0840 F130 5880
uid JonDos GmbH…
Afterwards you can install JonDo and JonDoFox by:
> sudo aptitude update > sudo aptitude install jondo jondofox-en
Using the repository with GUI tools
If you did not like the full text adventure, you may use GUIs like
"Software Sources". You can find it in the system menu.
Add the apt line
You have to add the apt line in "Other Software".
Since Ubuntu 10.10 (maverick) a source code repository will be added automatically.
Please disable the automatically added source code repository for JonDonym to avoid errors.
We provide our source code only by SVN.
Import the signing key
Download the signing key of the repository JonDos_GmbH.asc and import the key file in "Authentication".
Install JonDo and JonDoFox
Use your prefered package manager (Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic, Kpackagekit...)
to install the packages jondo, jondofox-en (recommeded) and jondodaemon (additional).
Start JonDo and JonDoFox
After installation you may find starters for JonDo and JonDoFox in the program menu "Internet".
Get the latest Firefox for Debian squeeze
The Mozilla Debian Team offers the latest version of Iceweasel (a rebranded Firefox) in a seperate repository. You can install this version by the following steps:
Create a file "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/iceweasel.list" with the following lines:
deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main
deb http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports iceweasel-release
Download the signatur key of the repository and import the key file into your apt keyring:
# apt-key add archive.asc
Afterwards you may install the lastest version of Iceweasel by:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -t squeeze-backports iceweasel
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Restrictions for the Dresden (JAP) anonymisation servers
After careful consideration we have decided to restrict the size of downloads over the Dresden (JAP) mixes a little. The reason is to allow a more fair use of scarce resources of our servers especially for users who simply want to surf the Web. more...